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Last updated on: Tue, July 19th 2022


Your privacy is of vital importance to us. You have confidence in our payment systems and share important personal data with us. We provide you with easy insights and overview into what data we collect, what we use this data for and with whom we may share your data.

What do we collect?

We only collect personal data to ensure that payment services run smoothly and in order to comply with our legal obligations. We only share this information with other parties if this is necessary for the payment service or required by law.

Privacy information

Simple structure and language

We summarized our privacy policy for you on this page with clear illustrations, a good overview and clear language.

  • Personal info
  • What you control
  • How it’s used
  • How it’s stored

What personal data do we collect?

At Online Payment Platform, we collect a range of personal data from our users. This may include information such as name, contact details, and financial information. For the full list see:

  • Call title
  • First name, initials and surname
  • Address details
  • Telephone number (phone)
  • E-mail address
  • Identity card
  • Bank account with name
  • Unique address of your device (IP)
  • Unique hardware data (Mac))
  • Unique software data (Version)
  • Payment transaction data

What is the data used for?

The personal data we collect is mainly used to provide our users with the best possible experience on our platform and connected services. This data may be used to help improve our services, and to better understand the people using our platform.

  • We may share information with other parties, but only if necessary (e.g. name and address for the payment and shipment of a product).
  • We may share information with other parties for which you have given express permission.
  • We may share information with the police or government agencies in case of suspicion of fraud, violations or crimes.
  • And we may share information with other parties If we are legally obliged to provide data.

Which control do you have?

We believe that people should have control over their personal data. Therefore we are commited to help you understand the data we have, and delete it when needed.

  • You can ask us what information we have registered about you. You can do this via our support website.
  • You can update your details with us.
  • You can ask us to remove your data, we will then only remove the data that we do not have to keep in accordance with our legal obligation.

How we handle your data

We have implemented industry-standard security measures to protect our users' data. We also regularly review our security procedures to ensure that our users' data is always protected.

  • We encrypt and store your personal data in a secure environment that is monitored 24/7.
  • Only our employees who need your information for their work can view it.
  • All our employees who work with your personal data have been checked for reliability.

Want to get started with processing payments on your platform? Get in touch.

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Want to powercharge payments on your platform? Reach out to Thomas.
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